Reliable Sign Language Alphabets

Project FingerAlphabet /

by Lassal c/o LassalMedia

Windmuehlstrasse 2-4
60329 Frankfurt am Main

Fon 0049-(0)69-2722987-2

Email contact [at] fingeralphabet [dot] org

In case you have questions concerning the alphabets, references, or similar, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please bear in mind that this is a personal project and that I am often away due to work. I will nevertheless try to get back to you as soon as possible.

In case you are wondering if you could use the layouts or single images for commercial purposes, and want to ask for possible licensing costs. Please visit this page for more information.


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ASL American Sign Language Alphabet PosterCharts 02 - Project FingerAlphabet by Lassal

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Fingeralphabet Deutschland, DGS Handalphabet Posterset Charts 02 PDF von Lassal für Project FingerAlphabet von Lassal

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Fingeralphabet Luxemburg, DGS Handalphabet Posterset Charts 02 PDF von Lassal für Project FingerAlphabet von Lassal

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Fingeralphabet Liechtenstein von Project FingerAlphabet

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Fingeralphabet Österreich, ÖGS Handalphabet Posterset Charts 02 PDF von Lassal für Project FingerAlphabet

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Fingeralphabet Deutschschweiz, DSGS Handalphabet Posterset Charts 02 PDF von Lassal für Project FingerAlphabet von Lassal

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ISL The Irish Sign Language Alphabet Poster Charts 02 - Project FingerAlphabet by Lassal

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FSL Filipino Sign Langugae PosterCharts 02 - Project FingerAlphabet

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DSL Danish Sign Language Alphabet PosterCharts 02 - Project FingerAlphabet by Lassal

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VGT The Flemish Sign Language Alphabet for Belgium PosterCharts 02 - Project FingerAlphabet by Lassal

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NZSL The New Zealand Sign Language Alphabet PosterCharts 02 - Project FingerAlphabet by Lassal

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AUSLAN The Australian Sign Language Alphabet PosterCharts 02 - Project FingerAlphabet by Lassal

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